Dylan for President

Dylan Paul Zinser Katz was born at about 5:15 am on the 4th of February, 2006. He arrived a pinkish shade of healthy, unscathed but for a dose of road rash crowning his fresh face. This blog is a place for family and friends to share images, media and commentary surrounding Dylan's exciting first years. This will, over time, become an archive and as well as a forum.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


Dylan and Mommy and Dada set up our vermiculture bin. (I think it should be called wormiculture instead.) Dylan also learned how to use a spray bottle this day (February 25, 2008). What could be more fun than worms and spray bottles?
Now we recycle food and paper in the worm bin and it is turning everything into a rich compost for our still future vegetable and herb garden. Often if we have leftover veggies from Dylan's plate or if some food falls on the floor - Dylan will now proclaim, "Feed it to the worms!"

Dada is trying out a new lense - that's why the pics are a little distorted. And I am getting bigger and bigger - Dylan has no idea what a baby sister means at this point but he is interested in my very big belly.

Dylan's B-day Party @ School

Dylan is enjoying his b-day party at school with his classmates and Miss Colleen and Miss Debbie. These are the tables the kids eat at every day for lunch. At this point in the year - Dylan is really enjoying school. We had a few times in the begining with separation anxiety but it soon wore off. He also really likes saying hello to Lisa Heller and Nancy when he comes into school.

Bath time

For Dylan - a bath is always fun. He loves the water and splashing and playing with whatever bath toys are around.

Second Birthday Party

Dylan celebrated his second b-day with Nonnie, Pita, Auntie Victoria and Mommy and Daddy. Auntie Jackie, Pat & Van were going to come but Mommy was a little sick and did not want Van to catch anything so she asked them not to come for this one. Pita made Dylan cupcakes - which he loves. He calls them "dupcakes" and although he really likes them - he is more into playing with them than eating them. Dylan is just starting to realize what presents are at this point - and he knows one thing - he likes them!
For the record, Dylan weighed 26 pounds and was 34 inches tall at his two year check up with the pediatrician.

Mammoth with Dylan

We all went up to Mammoth with the Das family. Both Kelly's were pregnant so we did not get to ski (or sled). Dylan had seen the snow last winter in St. Louis but this year the snow made a bigger impression. Dylan had fun with his friend Landon and the two dogs - Willow and Onyx.

Dylan's First Day of School

Dylan started preschool at CBI on January 3, 2008. His teachers are Miss Coleen and Miss Debbie. Mommy and Dada took Dylan to school for this momentus occasion. I think we were more nervous than he was!