Dylan for President

Dylan Paul Zinser Katz was born at about 5:15 am on the 4th of February, 2006. He arrived a pinkish shade of healthy, unscathed but for a dose of road rash crowning his fresh face. This blog is a place for family and friends to share images, media and commentary surrounding Dylan's exciting first years. This will, over time, become an archive and as well as a forum.

Monday, November 13, 2006

9 Month Stats

As of November 8, 2006, Dylan was 19 lbs, 10 oz and 27.5 inches long. He is growing well and well proportioned as he is in the 25th percentile for both height and weight. Grandma Lu was in town this weekend so Dylan had a lot of fun! You can see how happy is when he tries to walk. We also went up to Aunt Jackie, Uncle Pat's and cousin Scott's house. You can see everyone getting ready for dinner. I like this picture of Dylan because it shows the worried look he gets on his face now when he is eating non-baby food. Little by little we are giving him different foods to experience. The funniest thing Dylan has done lately is he burped and then laughed. I think he may get that from my dad! Dylan is also a pro now at the sipping cup and often insists on feeding himself - which means he gets his food on him and us!