Dylan for President

Dylan Paul Zinser Katz was born at about 5:15 am on the 4th of February, 2006. He arrived a pinkish shade of healthy, unscathed but for a dose of road rash crowning his fresh face. This blog is a place for family and friends to share images, media and commentary surrounding Dylan's exciting first years. This will, over time, become an archive and as well as a forum.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

Two big things happened on Saturday, September 2nd. First Dylan got to meet Joan and his great-grampa Will. He had a great time with them and is looking forward to going fishing with Grampa and Daddy when Dylan is a little bit older. And we noticed that Dylan was getting his first tooth. (To give Morgan Winters (Dylan's cousin) credit - she saw it on Friday night when we were over at Nonny & Pepita's.)

And as a footnote - today I got Dylan weighed and he is 18 lbs, 10 oz. Its quite a workout now lifting him!


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