Dylan for President

Dylan Paul Zinser Katz was born at about 5:15 am on the 4th of February, 2006. He arrived a pinkish shade of healthy, unscathed but for a dose of road rash crowning his fresh face. This blog is a place for family and friends to share images, media and commentary surrounding Dylan's exciting first years. This will, over time, become an archive and as well as a forum.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

6 Month Stats

Yesterday, Dylan had his doctor's appointment and he weighs a whopping 17 lbs. and is 26 inches long. He is now in the 50th percentile for weight and height. Otherwise he is doing well - he is starting to babble and make some very high-pitched noises. Very cute but I think he is a little bit louder than most other babies! I have added a couple of cute pictures that haven't made the blog yet. One is from Josh's b-day party at Nonny and Pepita's and one is Nonny with Dylan and Madelaine.


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