Dylan for President

Dylan Paul Zinser Katz was born at about 5:15 am on the 4th of February, 2006. He arrived a pinkish shade of healthy, unscathed but for a dose of road rash crowning his fresh face. This blog is a place for family and friends to share images, media and commentary surrounding Dylan's exciting first years. This will, over time, become an archive and as well as a forum.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Swimming Lessons, First Words and More!

Recently, we went on a family walk in the nearby Talbert Nature Preserve and Dave introduced Dylan to a lizard.

One of Dylan's favorite things to do is swing in the park. Or just generally going to the park. He likes the sand, the slides, the swings and the other little kids!
So we have started taking little D to "swim lessons". It is really a good excuse to play in the water in the winter time when the outdoor pools are too cold. Dylan has the biggest smile in the pool - it is one of his favorite activities.

Dylan also spoke his first word about a month ago - he crawled up to one of his books and pointed to the cover with a duck on it and said Duck. He did this quite a few other times but has since moved on to more complicated babbling (but no words). The funny thing is most of his "sentences" end in a laugh.

Dylan is really starting to do a lot more sign language and has the more sign down pat. It is especially used when he is asking for more Cheerios!

As always, Dylan likes coming with me to Trader Joe's. He likes interracting with all the people and all of the colors. And whenever he is under one of the music speakers - he bounces up in down in the shopping cart (while sitting) and dances to the beat. Its too cute and other shoppers get a big kick out of it.

And finally - Dylan is not walking yet - he is a very fast crawler so he doesn't seem to see the need to crawl. Well, I will be back with more posts soon - business has picked up so we have been busy. In fact, tomorrow Dylan is accompanying me to a final walk-thru!


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